বাংলা নিউজ > কর্মখালি > Asutosh College Admission 2022: আশুতোষ কলেজে ভর্তির তোড়জোড় শুরু, কোন বিষয়ে ভর্তি হতে কত নম্বর লাগবে

Asutosh College Admission 2022: আশুতোষ কলেজে ভর্তির তোড়জোড় শুরু, কোন বিষয়ে ভর্তি হতে কত নম্বর লাগবে

আশুতোষ কলেজ।

Asutosh College Admission 2022: B.A এবং B.Sc কোর্সের কোন বিষয়ে নিয়ে ভর্তি হতে গেলে, আগের পরীক্ষায় কত নম্বর থাকতেই হবে? জেনে নিন এখান থেকে। 

শতবর্ষ পেরিয়ে আসা আশুতোষ কলেজ, কলকাতা-সহ রাজ্যের বহু পড়ুয়ারই স্বপ্নের শিক্ষাকেন্দ্র। অনেকেই নিজের পছন্দের বিষয় নিয়ে এই কলেজেই পড়তে চান। এহেন কলেজটিতে এবার শুরু হচ্ছে গ্র্যাজুয়েশন কোর্সে ভর্তি।

B.A এবং B.Sc কোর্সের বিভিন্ন বিষয়গুলিতে ভর্তি হতে গেলে প্রথমেই ফর্ম তুলতে হবে এবং সেখানেই এক প্রস্ত চ্যালেঞ্জ রয়েছে। যে কোনও বিষয়ের ফর্ম পেতে গেলে আঘের পরীক্ষায় কোন বিষয়ে কত নম্বর থাকতে হবে, তা বলে দেওয়া হয়েছে কলেজের ওয়েবসাইটে। দেখে নেওয়া যাক, কোন বিষয়ের ফর্ম তুলতে কত নম্বর থাকতেই হবে।

১। B.A Hons. বিভাগে ভর্তির জন্য

বিষয়পাসে কী কীবোর্ডের পরীক্ষায় কোন বিষয়ে কত নম্বর লাগবে
BENGALIHISTORY + SOCIOLOGY(Aggregate: 50% and Bengali: 45%) OR 55% in Bengali For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% AND Bengali : 40%
BENGALIHISTORY + ENGLISH(Aggregate: 50% and Bengali: 45%) OR 55% in Bengali For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% AND Bengali : 40%
BENGALIPHILOSOPHY + SOCIOLOGY(Aggregate: 50% and Bengali: 45%) OR 55% in Bengali For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% AND Bengali : 40%
BENGALIPHILOSOPHY + ENGLISH(Aggregate: 50% and Bengali: 45%) OR 55% in Bengali For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% AND Bengali : 40%
ENGLLISHSOCIOLOGY + HISTORY(Aggregate: 50% and English: 45%) OR 55% in English For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% AND English : 40%
HISTORYPOLITICAL SCIENCE + SOCIOLOGYAggregate: 50%, History: 45% OR Aggregate: 50% (without History) OR 55% in History For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% OR History : 40%
HISTORYPOLITICAL SCIENCE + BENGALIAggregate: 50%, History: 45% OR Aggregate: 50% (without History) OR 55% in History For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% OR History : 40%
POLITICAL SCIENCESOCIOLOGY + HISTORYAggregate: 50%, Political Science: 45% OR Aggregate: 50% (without Political Science) OR 55% in Political Science For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% OR Political Science: 40%
PHILOSOPHYHISTORY + SOCIOLOGY(Aggregate: 50% and Philosophy: 45% )OR (Aggregate: 50% (without Philosophy) AND ( passed in Psychology/Mathamatics/Education/Sociology/Political Science)). OR 55% in Philosophy For Reserved Category :(Aggregate: 40% OR Philosophy : 40%) (Without Philosophy passed in Psychology/Mathematics/Education/Sociology/Political Science).
PHILOSOPHYENGLISH + HISTORY(Aggregate: 50% and Philosophy: 45% )OR (Aggregate: 50% (without Philosophy) AND ( passed in Psychology/Mathamatics/Education/Sociology/Political Science)). OR 55% in Philosophy For Reserved Category :(Aggregate: 40% OR Philosophy : 40%) (Without Philosophy passed in Psychology/Mathematics/Education/Sociology/Political Science).
PHILOSOPHYHISTORY + BENGALI(Aggregate: 50% and Philosophy: 45% )OR (Aggregate: 50% (without Philosophy) AND ( passed in Psychology/Mathamatics/Education/Sociology/Political Science)). OR 55% in Philosophy For Reserved Category :(Aggregate: 40% OR Philosophy : 40%) (Without Philosophy passed in Psychology/Mathematics/Education/Sociology/Political Science).
PHILOSOPHYHISTORY + SANSKRIT(Aggregate: 50% and Philosophy: 45% )OR (Aggregate: 50% (without Philosophy) AND ( passed in Psychology/Mathamatics/Education/Sociology/Political Science)). OR 55% in Philosophy For Reserved Category :(Aggregate: 40% OR Philosophy : 40%) (Without Philosophy passed in Psychology/Mathematics/Education/Sociology/Political Science).
SANSKRITHISTORY + BENGALIAggregate: 50%, Sanskrit: 45% OR Aggregate: 50% (without Sanskrit) OR 55% in Sanskrit For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% OR Sanskrit: 40%
SANSKRITHISTORY + ENGLISHAggregate: 50%, Sanskrit: 45% OR Aggregate: 50% (without Sanskrit) OR 55% in Sanskrit For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% OR Sanskrit: 40%
SANSKRITPHILOSOPHY + BENGALIAggregate: 50%, Sanskrit: 45% OR Aggregate: 50% (without Sanskrit) OR 55% in Sanskrit For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% OR Sanskrit: 40%
SANSKRITPHILOSOPHY + ENGLISHAggregate: 50%, Sanskrit: 45% OR Aggregate: 50% (without Sanskrit) OR 55% in Sanskrit For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% OR Sanskrit: 40%
SOCIOLOGYHISTORY + POLITICAL SCIENCEAggregate: 50% in Science/Arts/Humanities Stream For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% in Science/Arts/Humanities Stream
PSYCHOLOGY (BA)HISTORY + SOCIOLOGYAggregate: 50% For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40%
JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATIONPOLITICAL SCIENCE + ENGLISHAggregate: 50% For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40%
JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATIONPOLITICAL SCIENCE + BENGALIAggregate: 50% For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40%
JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATIONENGLISH + ECONOMICSAggregate: 50% For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40%
JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATIONBENGALI + ECONOMICSAggregate: 50% For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40%

২। B.Sc. Hons. বিভাগে ভর্তির জন্য

বিষয়পাসে কী কীবোর্ডের পরীক্ষায় কোন বিষয়ে কত নম্বর লাগবে
 PHYSICS CHEMISTRY + MATHEMATICS (Aggregate: 50% AND Physics: 45%) OR (Physics : 55%) AND Passed in Mathematics, Chemistry For Reserved Category : (Aggregate: 40% AND Physics : 40%) AND Passed in Mathematics, Chemistry
 PHYSICS MATHEMATICS + COMPUTER SCIENCE (Aggregate: 50% AND Physics: 45%) OR (Physics : 55%) AND Passed in Mathematics, Chemistry For Reserved Category : (Aggregate: 40% AND Physics : 40%) AND Passed in Mathematics, Chemistry
 CHEMISTRY PHYSICS + MATHEMATICS (Aggregate: 50%, Chemistry: 45% OR Chemistry: 55%) AND Passed in Mathematics and Physics For Reserved Category : (Aggregate: 40% AND Chemistry: 40%) AND Passed in Mathematics and Physics
 MATHEMATICS PHYSICS + CHEMISTRY  ((Aggregate: 50% AND Mathematics: 45%) OR (Mathematics: 55% )) AND Passed in Chemistry and Physics (Business Mathematics is not a substitute for Mathematics) For Reserved Category : (Aggregate: 40% OR Mathematics: 40% ) AND Passed in Chemistry and Physics
 MATHEMATICS PHYSICS + COMPUTER SCIENCE ((Aggregate: 50% AND Mathematics: 45%) OR (Mathematics: 55% )) AND Passed in Chemistry and Physics (Business Mathematics is not a substitute for Mathematics) For Reserved Category : (Aggregate: 40% OR Mathematics: 40% ) AND Passed in Chemistry and Physics
 MATHEMATICS STATISTICS + COMPUTER SCIENCE ((Aggregate: 50% AND Mathematics: 45%) OR (Mathematics: 55% )) AND Passed in Chemistry and Physics (Business Mathematics is not a substitute for Mathematics) For Reserved Category : (Aggregate: 40% OR Mathematics: 40% ) AND Passed in Chemistry and Physics
 ELECTRONICS PHYSICS + MATHEMATICS Aggregate: 50%, Passed in Mathematics and Physics For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% , Passed in Mathematics and Physics
 ELECTRONICS MATHEMATICS + COMPUTER SCIENCE Aggregate: 50%, Passed in Mathematics and Physics For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% , Passed in Mathematics and Physics
 STATISTICS MATHEMATICS + COMPUTER SCIENCE (Aggregate: 50% OR 55% in Statistics) AND Passed in Mathematics For Reserved Category : (Aggregate: 40% OR 40% in Statistics) AND Passed in Mathematics
STATISTICSMATHEMATICS + ECONOMICS(Aggregate: 50% OR 55% in Statistics) AND Passed in Mathematics For Reserved Category : (Aggregate: 40% OR 40% in Statistics) AND Passed in Mathematics
ECONOMICSMATHEMATICS + STATISTICSAggregate: 50%, Passed in Mathematics For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% , Passed in Mathematics
ECONOMICSMATHEMATICS + POLITICAL SCIENCEAggregate: 50%, Passed in Mathematics For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% , Passed in Mathematics
COMPUTER SCIENCEMATHEMATICS + PHYSICSAggregate: 50%, Physics/ Statistics: 45% and Passed in Mathematics For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% , Physics/ Statistics: 40% and Passed in Mathematics
COMPUTER SCIENCEMATHEMATICS + STATISTICSAggregate: 50%, Physics/ Statistics: 45% and Passed in Mathematics For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% , Physics/ Statistics: 40% and Passed in Mathematics
GEOLOGYMATHEMATICS + PHYSICSAggregate: 50%, and Passed in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% , and Passed in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics
GEOLOGYMATHEMATICS + CHEMISTRYAggregate: 50%, and Passed in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% , and Passed in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics
GEOGRAPHYECONOMICS + SOCIOLOGYAggregate: 50% AND (Geography: 45% OR Mathematics: 45%) AND Passed in Economics / Political Science / History / Education / Philosophy / Sociology / Chemistry / Physics / Statistics / Biology / Computer Science / Geology./ Mathematics     For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% AND ( Geography: 40% OR Mathematics: 40%) AND Passed in Economics / Political Science / History / Education / Philosophy / Sociology / Chemistry / Physics / Statistics / Biology / Computer Science / Geology./ Mathematics  
ZOOLOGYCHEMISTRY + BOTANY(Aggregate: 50% AND Biology/Biotechnology: 45%) OR (55% in Biology/Biotechnology ) AND Passed in Chemistry and Physics For Reserved Category : (Aggregate: 40% AND Biology/Biotechnology: 40%) AND Passed in Chemistry and Physics
BOTANYCHEMISTRY + ZOOLOGYAggregate: 50%, Biology/Biotechnology: 45% and Passed in Chemistry For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% , Biology/Biotechnology: 40% and Passed in Chemistry
BIOCHEMISTRYMATHEMATICS + ZOOLOGYAggregate: 50%, Passed in (Biotechnology/Biology), Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% , Passed in Biotechnology/Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
MICROBIOLOGYCHEMISTRY + ZOOLOGY((Aggregate: 50% AND Biology/Biotechnology: 45%) OR ( Biology/Biotechnology: 55% )) AND Passed in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics For Reserved Category : (Aggregate: 40% AND Biology/Biotechnology: 40% ) AND Passed in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECHEMISTRY + ZOOLOGYAggregate: 50%, and passed in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and (Biology/Biotechnology) For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% , and passed in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and (Biology/Biotechnology)
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECHEMISTRY + BOTANYAggregate: 50%, and passed in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and (Biology/Biotechnology) For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40% , and passed in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and (Biology/Biotechnology)
PSYCHOLOGY (BSC)ECONOMICS + SOCIOLOGYAggregate: 50% For Reserved Category : Aggregate: 40%

স্নাতক স্তরে কোন বিষয়ে ভর্তির জন্য কত নম্বর লাগবে, তা এখানে দেওয়া হল। এর বাইরেও আরও বেশ কিছু কোর্স রয়েছে। সেগুলি সম্পর্কে জানতে কলেজের ওয়েবসাইট দেখে নিতে পারেন।

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